您选择的条件: 2024-05-11
  • The Dynamics Beamline at SSRF

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 核科学与技术 提交时间: 2024-05-11

    摘要: The Dynamics beamline (D-Line), which combines synchrotron radiation infrared spectroscopy (SR-IR) and energy-dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy (ED-XAS), is the first beamline in the world to realize concurrent ED-XAS and SR-IR measurements at the same sample position on a millisecond time-resolved scale. This combined technique is effective for investigating rapid structural changes in atoms, electrons, and molecules in complicated disorder systems, such as those used in physics, chemistry, materials science, and extreme conditions. Moreover, ED-XAS and SR-IR can be used independently in the two branches of the D-Line. The ED-XAS branch is the first ED-XAS beamline in China, which uses a tapered undulator light source and can achieve approximately 2.5 × 1012 photons/s•300 eV BW@7.2 keV at the sample position. An exchangeable polychromator operating in the Bragg-reflection or Laue-transmission configuration is used in different energy ranges to satisfy the requirements for beam size and energy resolution. The focused beam size is approximately 3.5 μm (H) × 21.5 μm (V), and the X-ray energy range is 5–25 keV. Using one- and two-dimensional position-sensitive detectors with frame rates of up to 400 kHz enables time resolutions of tens of microseconds to be realized. Several distinctive techniques, such as the concurrent measurement of in-situ ED-XAS and infrared spectroscopy, time-resolved ED-XAS, high-pressure ED-XAS, XMCD, and pump–probe ED-XAS, can be applied to achieve different scientific goals.

  • Reliable calculations of nuclear binding energies by the Gaussian process of machine learning

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2024-05-11

    摘要: Reliable calculations of nuclear binding energies are crucial for advancing the research of nuclear physics. Machine learning provides an innovative approach to exploring complex physical problems. In this study, the nuclear binding energies are modeled directly using a machine-learning method called the Gaussian process. First, the binding energies for 2238 nuclei withZ >20andN >20are calculated using the Gaussian process in a physically motivated feature space, yielding an average deviation of 0.046 MeV and a standard deviation of 0.066 MeV. The results show the good learning ability of the Gaussian process in the studies of binding energies. Then, the predictive power of the Gaussian process is studied by calculating the binding energies for 108 nuclei newly included in AME2020. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental data, reflecting the good predictive power of the Gaussian process. Moreover, theα-decay energies for 1169 nuclei with50≤Z≤110are derived from the theoretical binding energies calculated using the Gaussian process. The average deviation and the standard deviation are, respectively, 0.047 MeV and 0.070 MeV. Noticeably, the calculatedα-decay energies for the two new isotopes204Ac M. H. Huanget al.,Phys. Lett. B834, 137484 (2022) and207Th H. B. Yanget al.,Phys. Rev. C105, L051302 (2022) agree well with the latest experimental data. These results demonstrate that the Gaussian process is reliable for the calculations of nuclear binding energies. Finally, theα-decay properties of some unknown actinide nuclei are predicted using the Gaussian process. The predicted results can be useful guides for future research on binding energies andα-decay properties.

  • Carbon-based nanomaterials cause toxicity by oxidative stress to the liver and brain in Sprague–Dawley rats

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 辐射物理与技术 提交时间: 2024-05-11

    摘要: Carbon-based nanomaterials have important research significance in various disciplines, such as compositematerials, nanoelectronic devices, biosensors, biological imaging, and drug delivery. Recently, the human andecological risks associated with carbon-based nanomaterials have received increasing attention. However, thebiosafety of carbon-based nanomaterials has not been investigated extensively. In this study, we used differenttypes of carbon materials, namely, graphene oxide (GO), single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and multiwalledcarbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), as models to observe their distribution and oxidative damage in vivo.The results of Histopathological and ultrastructural examinations indicated that the liver and lungs were the mainaccumulation targets of these nanomaterials. SR-μ-XRF analysis revealed that SWCNTs and MWCNTs mightbe present in the brain. This shows that the three types of carbon-based nanomaterials could cross the gas–bloodbarrier and eventually reach the liver tissue. In addition, SWCNTs and MWCNTs could cross the blood–brainbarrier and accumulate in the cerebral cortex. The increase in ROS and MDA levels and the decrease in GSH,SOD, and CAT levels indicated that the three types of nanomaterials might cause oxidative stress in the liver.This suggests that direct instillation of these carbon-based nanomaterials into rats could induce ROS generation.In addition, iron (Fe) contaminants in these nanomaterials were a definite source of free radicals. However,these nanomaterials did not cause obvious damage to the rat brain tissue. The deposition of selenoprotein inthe rat brain was found to be related to oxidative stress and Fe deficiency. This information may support thedevelopment of secure and reasonable applications of the studied carbon-based nanomaterials.

  • 基于TMSR-PNS的宽能区中子束流监测器的模拟研究

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 核探测技术与核电子学 提交时间: 2024-05-11

    摘要: 针对钍基熔盐堆白光中子源(TMSR-PNS)在运行过程中出现中子束流掉束或打火导致的束流不稳定的问题,有必要设计研发一种具有高计数率、低中子束流影响、高中子/伽马甄别性能的中子束流监测器。基于蒙特卡洛模拟软件Geant4系统研究了薄膜塑料闪烁中子束流监测器的中子转换层厚度、闪烁体厚度、以及外壳材料等关键参数对薄膜闪烁体的影响规律,分析结果表明:闪烁体中子转换层厚度约为2 um时具有相对合适的本征探测效率,闪烁体厚度为2 mm、甄别阈值为0.1 MeV时监测器具备伽马射线不灵敏性能。同时,通过对比不同外壳材料对于γ射线产生电子的影响,选取电子产生较少的铁作为外壳材料。研究结果可为后续的中子束流监测器实物制备提供理论依据。

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