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  • 随钻密度中子一体化中的伽马影响因素分析

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 核探测技术与核电子学 提交时间: 2024-05-18

    摘要: 由于传统中子和密度测量仪器的独立性,为提高地层信息的安全性和效率,针对已有中子和密度仪器进行一体化设计,以合并中子密度部分,并详细分析一体化设计中的伽马影响因素。为了深入研究中子和伽马源之间的距离对探测器测量的影响,利用蒙特卡罗模拟,分析不同中子和伽马源距离下的探测器计数和能谱,并在不同岩性和密度情况下验证其正确性。研究结果表明,保持真实仪器源距、中子源强等参数不变,在中子和伽马源相距410mm的情况下,中子辐射场对密度测量结果没有显著影响,反演密度误差均小于0.015g/cm3。由于同类放射源可能具有不同源强,会对仪器准确的测量产生影响,在进行一体化设计时对中子放射源源强影响进行了评估,推导出中子源源强与两源之间的最佳距离的数值模型,可以对现场仪器测试进行快速性能评估,并对一体化设计进行理论的指导。

  • 超细X射线密度测井仪器优化设计与测量验证

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 核探测技术与核电子学 提交时间: 2024-05-07

    摘要: 随着油气开采的深入,作为新一代可控源,X射线密度测井仪器设计和测量方法的研究受到广泛关注。以超细伽马仪器为原型,将伽马源更改为X射线源,具体内容包括:1)X射线源能谱模拟匹配;2)通过探测效率、地层灵敏度、探测深度等指标综合指导仪器关键参数正向设计;3)基于多变量正反演方法开展X射线密度测量,并与伽马测井进行对比。结果显示:X射线仪器的近、远探测器源距设置为110mm和290mm时可达到比伽马仪器更高的探测指标。相较于伽马测井,X射线测井具有更佳的地层灵敏度、垂直分辨率和地层测量准度。地层密度和Pe分别满足0.015g/cm3和0.2b/e以内,尤其在重泥饼场景中,Pe测量准度提升了47%。这些研究为仪器正向设计以及X射线密度测量提供了参考。

  • 超细X射线密度测井仪器优化设计与测量验证

    分类: 核科学技术 >> 核探测技术与核电子学 提交时间: 2024-05-06

    摘要: 随着油气开采的深入,作为新一代可控源,X射线密度测井仪器设计和测量方法的研究受到广泛关注。以超细伽马仪器为原型,将伽马源更改为X射线源,具体内容包括:1)X射线源能谱模拟匹配;2)通过探测效率、地层灵敏度、探测深度等指标综合指导仪器关键参数正向设计;3)基于多变量正反演方法开展X射线密度测量,并与伽马测井进行对比。结果显示:X射线仪器的近、远探测器源距设置为110mm和290mm时可达到比伽马仪器更高的探测指标。相较于伽马测井,X射线测井具有更佳的地层灵敏度、垂直分辨率和地层测量准度。地层密度和Pe分别满足0.015g/cm3和0.2b/e以内,尤其在重泥饼场景中,Pe测量准度提升了47%。这些研究为仪器正向设计以及X射线密度测量提供了参考。

  • nst-2022-0479

    分类: 物理学 >> 核物理学 提交时间: 2023-06-06

    摘要: Accurate 3-Dimensional (3-D) reconstruction technology for non-destructive testing based on digital radiography (DR) is of great importance for alleviating the drawbacks of the existing computed tomography (CT)-based method. The commonly used Monte Carlo simulation method ensures well-performing imaging results for DR. However, for 3-D reconstruction, it is limited by its high time consumption. To solve this problem, this study proposes a parallel computing method to accelerate Monte Carlo simulation for projection images with a parallel interface and a specific DR application. The images are utilized for 3-D reconstruction of the test model. We verify the accuracy of parallel computing for DR and evaluate the performance of two parallel computing modesmultithreaded applications (G4-MT) and message-passing interfaces (G4-MPI)by assessing parallel speedup and efficiency. This study explores the scalability of the hybrid G4-MPI and G4-MT modes. The results show that the two parallel computing modes can significantly reduce the Monte Carlo simulation time because the parallel speedup increment of Monte Carlo simulations can be considered linear growth, and the parallel efficiency is maintained at a high level. The hybrid mode has strong scalability, as the overall run time of the 180 simulations using 320 threads is 15.35 h with 10 billion particles emitted, and the parallel speedup can be up to 151.36. The 3-D reconstruction of the model is achieved based on the filtered back projection (FBP) algorithm using 180 projection images obtained with the hybrid G4-MPI and G4-MT. The quality of the reconstructed sliced images is satisfactory because the images can reflect the internal structure of the test model. This method is applied to a complex model, and the quality of the reconstructed images is evaluated.

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  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
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